From: Miguel Sanjuan Organization: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain) Concerning the bibliography, is rather complete, however I stopped more tahn one year ago and since then many new books are in the libraries. I hope somebody else from the ChaosGruppe could continue with this work, which definitely I think it could be interesting in many respects. I am happy to know that it may be useful for the chaos community. NONLINEAR PHYSICS: CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS Compiled by M.A.F. Sanjuan Dpto. de Fisica E. T. S. de Arquitectura Universidad Politecnica de Madrid 28040 Madrid Spain 7 of November 1994 A. Resource Letter on Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos I. Texts and Monographs A Abdullaev S.S.(ed. G.M.Zaslavsky) Chaos and Dynamics of Rays in Waveguide Media Gordon and Breach, N.Y., 1993 Abraham R. H. and Robbin J. Transversal mappings and flows Benjamin, Reading, MA, 1967 Abraham R. H. Complex Dynamical Systems Aerial Press, Santa Cruz, Ca, 1984 Abraham R. H. 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The Desktop Fractal Design System Handbook Floppy disk for Macintosh Academic Press, N.Y., 1990. Version 2.0, 1992 Bessoir T. and Wolf A. Chaos Simulations Physics Academic Software, Raleigh, NC, 1993.For IBM-PC C Carlson C. Discoverform ver 1.2 Secondary Dynamical Systems Collaborative, PO Box 991, Groton, MA 01450. For Mac intosh. CHAOS Plus EduTech, 1927 Culver Road, Rochester, NY 14609. For Apple II Chaos in the Classroom I: Maps and Bifurcations Dynamical Systems P Box 35241, Tucson, Arizona 85740.For IBM-PC Chaos in the Classroom I: Fractals & Julia Sets Dynamical Systems P Box 35241, Tucson, Arizona 85740.For IBM-PC Chaotic Attractors in 3D Aerial Press, PO Box 1360, Santa Cruz, Ca 95061. For Apple II and IBM-PC Coffey S., Deprit A., Deprit E., Healy L. and Miller B. A Toolbox for Nonlinear Dynamics Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, ( In Press ) Crutchfield J. P. Chaotic Attractors of Driven Oscillators ( 16 mm ) Aerial Press, Santa Cruz, Ca, 1984 Crutchfield J. P. Space-Time Dynamics in Video Feedback and Chaotic Attractors of Driven Oscillato rs ( Videotape ) Aerial Press, Santa Cruz, Ca, 1984 D DAEDALON CHAOS EM-50 Chaos Pendulum Mechanical Device Daedalon Corporation, PO Box 2028, Salem, Ma 01970-6228. 1991 Designer Fractal I:FractaSketch ver 1.19 Dynamic Software , PO Box 7534, Santa Cruz, Ca 95061. For Macintosh Designer Fractal I:MandelMovie ver 1.19 Dynamic Software , PO Box 7534, Santa Cruz, Ca 95061. For Macintosh Devaney R. L. Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics: Computer Experiments in Mathematics. Video, VHS, one hour. American Mathematical Society, Providence, R I, 1989. Devaney R. L. The Transition to Chaos : The Orbit Diagram and the Mandelbrot Set NTSC format on 1/2" VHS video, one hour. American Mathematical Society, Providence, R I, 1990. Doedel E. J. and Kernšvez J. P. AUTO : Software for continuation and bifurcation problems in ordinary differenti al equations. Caltech, Pasadena CA 91125, 1986 Dynamical Software I.4 for IBM-PC Dynamical Systems , Inc., P0 Box 35241, Tucson, Arizona 85740. Dynamical Software II.2 for IBM-PC Dynamical Systems , Inc., P0 Box 35241, Tucson, Arizona 85740. DYNASIM Aerial Press, PO Box 1360, Santa Cruz, Ca 95061. For IBM-PC E Eberhardt T. and Parmet M. The Beauty of Fractals Lab Graphics Software for the Macintosh, version 1.0 Springer-Verlag , Berlin, 1990 F Fractal Explorer ECLAT Microproducts Miami, FL. For Apple II. Fractal Magic ver 5.0 Sintar Software , PO Box 3746, Bellevue, WA 98009. MS-DOS and Macintosh FRACTOOLS An Electronic Kaleidoscope of Nature's Geometry IBM-PC, 512 K of RAM, Dos 2.0, 16 color EGA and VGA Bourbaki INC, Revolutionary Software, P.O. Box 2867, Boise, Idaho 83701, 1990 Fractal Pro Megage M.c/o Media Magic, PO Box 507, Nicasio, CA 94946.For Amiga Fractals V2.0 Atlantic Software, PO Box 299, Wenham , MA 01984. For Macintosh Fractalscope DYNACOMP, Inc., Dynacom Office Building, 178 Phillips Road, Webster, NY 14580. For Apple II H Harold J.B. Chaotic Mapper Physics Academic Software, Raleigh, NC 27695, 1992 Hubbard J. The Beauty and Complexity of the Mandelbrot Set A science television production. VHS format. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1990. Hubbard J. and West B. Mac Math : A Dynamical Systems Software Package With two diskettes Springer-Verlag , Berlin, 1990 K Koch R. Julia ver 1.0 Secondary Dynamical Systems Collaborative, PO Box 991, Groton, MA 01450. 1989. For Macintosh. Ko×ak H. Differential and Difference Equations through Computer Experiments with Diskette s containing PHASER : An animator/Simulator for Dynamical Systems for IBM Person al Computers. Springer-Verlag , Berlin, 1989 L Lee K.D. and Cohen Y. Fractal Attraction ( For the Macintosh) Academic Press, Troy, 1990 M Mac Chaos Dynamic Software , PO Box 7534, Santa Cruz, Ca 95061. For Macintosh Mandelbrot Explorer Amigdala Dos-Ware, PO Box 219, San Cristobal, NM 87564. MS-DOS Mandelbrot Explorer Media Magic, PO Box 507, Nicasio, CA 94946. MS-DOS Mapper James harold, PO Box 952, Adelphi, MD 20783. For IBM-PC Muhamad M. A. and Holden A. V. Chaos and Strange Attractors 40- or 80 -track 5 1/4 " discs for Acorn BBC-B Microcomputer Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1986 Munafo R. A. Super-MandelZoom ver 1.19 Secondary Dynamical Systems Collaborative PO Box 991, Groton, MA 01450. 1989.For Macintosh. N NLF:Nonlinear Forecasting Dynamical Systems, Inc., P0 Box 35241, Tucson, Arizona 85740.For IBM-PC. P Parmet M. The Game of Fractal Images ver 1.2 Springer-Verlag, N.Y., 1989. For Mac II Parris R. Peanut Software ver 2.93 Peanut Software.c/o Richard Parris, Philips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH 03833. Fo r IBM-PC Peitgen H.-O., J¾rgens H. and Saupe D. The Game of Fractal Images Part 1: The Mandelbrot Set Version 1.2 (With diskettes) Springer-Verlag , Berlin, 2nd ed. 1989 Peitgen H.-O., J¾rgens H. and Saupe D. The Beauty of Fractal Lab Written by T. Eberhardt and M. Parnet Graphics Software for the Macintosh Version 1.0 Springer-Verlag , Berlin, 1990 Periodic Attractors in the Plane Aerial Press, PO Box 1360, Santa Cruz, Ca 95061. For Apple II and IBM-PC PhasePlane:The Dynamical Systems Tool Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. c/o Wadsworth Publishing Company, Ten Davis Drive, Belmont, CA 94002.For IBM-PC R Richards E.M. Fractal Aggregations 21 Wichard Blvd., Commack, NY11725-1706, 1993 Richter P. H. and Scholz H.-J. Das ebene Doppelpendel Institut f¾r den Wissenschaftlichen Film, GÓttingen, 1985 Richter P. H. and Scholz H.-J. The Planar Double Pendulum Publ.Wiss.Film, Sekt.Tech.Wiss, Film C1574, GÓttingen, 1985 Richter P. H. and Scholz H.-J. Das eingeschr¯nkte DreikÓrperproblem Institut f¾r den Wissenschaftlichen Film, GÓttingen, 1987 Richter P. H. and Scholz H.-J. The Restricted Three Body Problem Publ.Wiss.Film, Sekt.Tech.Wiss, Film C1654, GÓttingen, 1987 Rollins R. W. Chaotic Dynamics Workbench Requires IBM PC or 512K RAM and CGA graphics. Physics Academic Software, Raleigh, NC, 1990 Rucker R. and Gleick J. Chaos:The Software Autodesk Inc.,2320Mainship Way, Sausalito, CA 94965.1990 S Sagdeev R. Z., Usikov D. A. and Zaslavky G. M. Nonlinear Physics.From the pendulum to turbulence and chaos. 6 5 1/4 IBM PC floppy diskettes + ATRS program for research workers. Harwood Academic Press, N.Y., 1988 Seydel R. BIFPACK : A program package for calculating bifurcations. State University of New York at Buffalo, 2nd version, 1985. Seydel R. BIFPACK : A program package for continuation, bifurcation, and stability analysi s. Universit­t W¾rzburg, W¾rzburg, Germany, version 2.3, 1989 Shaw R. S. 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( Editor ) International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering World Scientific, Singapore, Since 1991 Flaschka H. (Coord. Ed. ) Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Gibbon J.D. and Rand D.A.( Honorary Editors ) Nonlinearity Institute of Physics, Bristol, UK, Since 1988 Holmes P. and Stewart I.( Managing Editors ) Nonlinear Science Today Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Since 1991 El Naschie M. (ed.) Chaos, Solitons and Fractals : Applications in Science and Engineering Pergamon Press, Oxford, Since 1991 Mandelbrot B.B.(Honorary Editor) Fractals. An Interdisciplinary Journal on the Complex Geometry of Nature World Scientific, Singapore, Since 1992 Nayfeh A.H. (Editor-in-chief) Nonlinear Dynamics An International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Engineering Systems Kluwer Academic Pub., Dordrecht, The Netherlands Pickover C. (ed.) Chaos and Graphics Section of the International Journal of Computers and Graphics Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K. Wiggins S. R. and Kuznetsov E. A.( Managing Editors ) Journal of Nonlinear Science Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Since 1991